Uurtgal ghazi season 1 episode 3
The show's immense popularity has polarised opinion in Pakistan. Some feel it is a threat to local culture and promotes violence, while others applaud it for glorifying Muslim heroes. But it's not just celebrities and analysts who are commenting on the show - the country's politicians are also actively involved in the debate. This is not the first Turkish drama to have become popular in Pakistan. But what is different about Ertugrul - often described as the Muslim Game of Thrones - is that it's being promoted by Prime Minister Imran Khan, for reasons thought to be both personal and political. Counter-narrative against 'Islamophobia'? Mr Khan is, arguably, one of the main reasons why this foreign series is creating waves in Pakistan. He not only recommended the show and told PTV to air it, but claimed the show would help Pakistan understand the significance of Islamic civilisation. ......,,.............................................................................